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Broadcom Inc. | Connecting Everything Broadcom Inc. is a global technology leader that designs, develops and supplies semiconductor and infrastructure software solutions.

Nearmap Ltd (NEA, formerly Ipernica Limited) is an Australian aerial imagery technology and location data company that provides geospatial map technology for …

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澳大利亚公司EML Payments (EML.AX)周一表示,将收购伦敦的Prepaid Financial Services Ltd, 对其估值约为4.23亿澳元 (约合2.901亿美元)。 这家支付解决方案提供商表示,这笔交易还将包括一个额外的盈利能力支付计划安排,价格为1.83亿澳元,条件是Prepaid Financial 获得一定的

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